My Favorites

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowball the blind skiiing poodle....thingy

Snowball was born with an unfortunate handicap. Not only is he blind, his breed is quite undistinguishable. One would think a skiing animal might be a roley-poley German Steiff bear, or perhaps a Swiss skiing mountain goat. Maybe a great Italian Mastiff? I will let you be the judge, but for a want of a better description of our dear ski fanatic, I have decided that he is a skiing poodle...thingy.

Here he is with his sight stick, but generally, Snowball just takes to the hills. Whatever hills he can find, that is. You see, being blind has a distinct disadvantage here. Snowball can't find the snow.

He's found pillows...

He's found jeans...

He found a wild zebra in the "out back" yard...

He's found that rascally poodle that shows up every 4 or 5 doll blogs...

He even found a gigantic grizzly on his hibernation break.....

But poor Snowball can't seem to find the snow!
 So, since he's dressed quite appropriately, I told him how I could help. Tomorrow, I'm going to pack him in a care package, and ship him south to the midwest snowstorm of the decade! I hope someone opens the box!

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