My Favorites

Friday, June 3, 2011

Jumping Frog

This is not a doll, but a wind up wild jumping frog, and yet, he was in the doll cabinet. So, I asked him his most desired wish, and he said, he longed for his roots. I took him around the yard to meet the amphibians.
I took him to croaky on the rock. JF looked at him and didn't see any resemblance, so we moved on.

Next we met Zen Frog...
... no family genes there. 

Lets go on to frog twins:
Nope, not a striped twin. Where did he come from?

Lake frog King?
Probably not.

Indoor frogs, giving up their life for a cushy resort existence?
 Jumping Frog was at his wits end. He had no IDEA who his family could be; his gene pool. He stared at the lake water, ready to end it all, "To bust or rust," croaked he.

And then.....

along came the wind ups.... 
The Zen clock, Dancing Bear, Madman Monkey McGee, Clowny and Windmill Bank.

"We heart you wind up frog," they said. (They didn't have little computer symbols, only the reference to them.)
You are guts, gears, springs and keys, just  like us! We bring joy, excitement and peals of laughter to people when they wind us.
Do not long for your maker. Instead, long for your playmate, your human who will wind you and wind you and make you dance until your heart beats forever in your chest.
And only then, will you know why you were created. 
Only then will you have purpose.
For a frog is a frog is a frog...but a wind up THAT'S
something special...

AND, no one can fish with you!

Now THAT is how to WIND up a story...
yuk, yuk yuk....

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