His first job on State shore was at a makeshift Chinese restaurant in Amador County where China City was created due to the ever increasing Chinese population immigrating to our sunny shores. Mr. Chan worked the evening shift, putting his best foot forward in order to save enough money to bring his wife and children over eventually.
During the day, Mr. Chan would mine in the local Mokelumne River, where he became VERY successful, hiding and hoarding his golden treasures from all who knew him.
Later, in the 1940's Mr. Chan had earned enough to open his Chinese Laundry:
China Chan's Changed Clean and Crisp Laundry. Where he was once again VERY successful, became Los Angeles' premier laundry, and eventually moved his family into a nice, bungalow just south of Pacific Grove, CA.
His family, (who shied away from this press release,) realized they longed for the comforts of a more interesting city, so Mr. Chan sold his bungalow for the mark-up price of $75,000 ( which was a LOT of money in those days), and moved them to San Francisco. But Mr. Chan, became such a hit with the hoyie-toyties of Los Angeles, Hollywood, Palm Springs etc...he was able to travel around California rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Here he is with the 3 Stooges on Pebble Beach playing a round.
Perhaps in the future, Mr. Chan will convince his family to head for the "lime light," and we will meet and greet them all in their new life in a new modern American world.
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