My Favorites

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Okay, after yesterday's blog, (on Face Book) clearly everyone knows the words to "Sixteen Tons." But DO you know how HARD it is to WRITE a creative blog everyday about a cabinet full of stupid hand-me-down-DOLLS?????

I mean, come on people....does anyone out there even READ this blog, let alone care about the lives and fashions of Granny's vintage dolls?

And while I'm on the SUBJECT. Since only O-N-E (yes, I used italics, underlining and a larger font).....person voted for the Queen's hat parade,
 let me announce that 

MARY POPPINS is the unequivocal winner, if ANYone out there gives a rats A_ _!!!! 

That's right, Mary Poppins wins an all expense paid vacation to Iowa. (no sniggers)
I am going to Iowa for a wedding, and she is going to be 
So there!

That just goes to prove a spoon full of sugar gives the bitch a foot in the door!!!!!!!!!

(Breathe ) OK....I feel better now..... 

Phew......sorry about that. (breath)

They're really not stupid dolls. I was quick to anger. hmmm...uh...

Hope you have a nice..... day. (..)

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